FX File Explorer adalah aplikasi manajer file dengan banyak fitur seperti media, networking, cloud, dan root capabilities. Ini adalah versi yang bebas iklan, Anda akan leluasa untuk mengoperasikan file-file Anda tanpa khawatir iklan akan muncul.
Modul utama dari aplikasi ini mencakup semua fitur manajemen file untuk dapat bekerja dengan baik di smartphone dan tablet. "FX Plus" add-on manajemen media, jaringan (FTP, SFTP, SMB, WebDAV) dan kemampuan cloud (Dropbox, Google Drive, SkyDrive, Box, SugarSync). "Plus" add-on adalah aplikasi berbayar (dengan percobaan gratis 7 hari).
Free "FX Root" add-on adalah untuk pengembang dan peminat berpengetahuan yang perlu melakukan perubahan sebagai user root.
Fitur umum
- Productivity-oriented layout: The “Home Screen” shows bookmarks, storage, tools and (with FX+) media/network locations. You no longer have to wade through the garbage that apps store in the root folder of your SD card to get to the places you actually use.
- Dual pane mode and unlimited windows (quickly switch between different locations)
- Pinch-to-zoom in any “Explorer” window, zoom-in to see additional information about items
- Intuitive swipe-to-select gesture for managing multiple items (Slide finger horizontally across items to select/deselect them; see YouTube Videos, web site documentation, or in-app help for more information) “Usage View” mode analyzes storage space usage, enabling you to see total size of any folder
- Indexed Search
- File Viewers / Editors (included standard)
- Text Editor with Undo/Redo history, Cut/Copy/Paste, Find, and Pinch-to-zoom
- Binary (Hex) Viewer
- Image Viewer
- Media Player, pop-up Audio Player
- Zip, Tar, GZip, Bzip2, and 7zip Archive Extractor / Creator (.zip, .tgz, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2, .7z)
- RAR Extractor (UnRAR)
- Shell Script Executor
- Media Capabilities (FX Plus add-on required): Browse image and video collections
- Browse audio by artist, album, playlist, or all tracks
- Create and rearrange playlists with drag and drop (multiple files can be rearranged by selecting them)
- Network / Cloud Capabilities (requires FX Plus add-on):
- Windows networking (SMB)
- FTP (including secure FTP-S and FTP-ES)
- SSH FTP (Secure Shell FTP; password and public key auth)
- WebDAV (see help for using WebDAV with OwnCloud)
- Cloud Storage: Google Drive (incl. Google Docs), Dropbox, SugarSync, Box (Box.net), and SkyDrive (SkyDrive requires Android 2.2 or later)
- Stream video and audio media files from SMB, FTP, SSH, Google Drive, Dropbox, SugarSync, Box, and SkyDrive to media player applications
- Browse local network for Windows (SMB) shares
- Find FTP and SSH FTP local network shares using multicast DNS (mDNS) service discovery (Bonjour/Zeroconf/Avahi)
- Encrypted keyring (used to avoid entering sensitive passwords in public while not allowing access in event of device theft)
- Download and convert Google Drive / Google Docs files into Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint,
- OpenDocument, PDF, and other formats
- Bluetooth Capabilities (FX Plus add-on required): Bluetooth FTP Client, Discover / pair devices from within FX File Explorer
- Additional FX Plus Features: AES-256, AES-128 Zip Encryption. Browse inside encrypted Zip files, viewing text documents, images, audio, and video without writing unencrypted data to SD card
- App Management
- Browse apps by permission
- Streaming video playback: dukungan Format didasarkan pada perangkat lunak pihak ketiga pemutaran diinstal pada perangkat Anda. Android biasanya mendukung MP4 dan 3GP. FX bisa bermain AVI, FLV, MKV, dan WMV format * JIKA * Anda menginstal pemain pihak ketiga yang tersedia dari Google Play Store.
- GDrive / GDocs: Cut / dokumen disisipkan akan dikonversi ke format Microsoft Office secara default. Gunakan "Open With" untuk men-download dalam format pilihan Anda.
Yang baru
Desain Material: Pembaruan antarmuka pengguna. Ditambahkan FX Connect untuk memungkinkan transfer nirkabel file antar perangkat, dan FX Web Access (berdasarkan NextApp WebSharing) untuk transfer file komputer-perangkat.